Final IDBDC Schedule has been posted and other IDBDC updates!

Ladies and Gentlemen We are very excited to welcome all of you to 2018 IDBDC in just a few days! There are a few things that you need to now before you come to IDBDC. 

The Final 2018 IDBDC Schedule has been posted additionally there are printable links listed on our website for you to print the schedule ahead of time for your convenience for each day!

We are currently working on processing all of the private lesson times and we will be e-mailing everyone who have already purchased lessons very soon. If you still have not purchased lessons with our instructors, please do so now. We already had number of instructors sell out on specific days, do not wait untill they sell out completely! 

This year as requested we have worked out meal options for our attendies. You will be able to purchase breakfast buffet at a discounted price at our front desk (Paying cash). Price $20 (regular price at hotel is $22 (including service and taxes). Additionally Hilton will have an options of various wraps for sale for lunch. 

We also will be e-mailing everyone who have registered for our camp the small packing and information guide for 2018 IDBDC.